Tag: Canada

  • Legal Drinking Age in Canada

    I ran into an American last weekend while I was out drinking. We got into a conversation and he told me he was in town with a group of friends. They drove up to Halifax to take advantage of the younger drinking age and to visit some friends. I laughed and said “Right on!” I…

  • How to Build an Igloo

    Via Rails Virtual Tour guide, Vivian, submitted a great link in a comment on my recent post of the best winter activities in Canada. The video depicts two Inuit men building an igloo. It’s roughly 10 minutes long, and it’s one of those really crazy old videos. It’s not ‘cheesy’ old, it just sort of…

  • Interviewing Canadas Hostels: Kelowna SameSun Backpacker Lodge

    We are on our second Hostel in our series of posts where we’ll be interviewing Canadian hostel owners and managers. The staff at SameSun have been extremely helpful in providing answers to our questions, I can’t thank them enough for helping us get this series off the ground. Be sure to follow SameSunNation on Twitter,…

  • Interviewing Canadas Hostels: Vancouver SameSun Backpackers Lodge

    Vancouver’s SameSun Backpackers Lodge is officially the first in our series of posts where we’ll be Interviewing Canadian Hostels. We managed to get Pete to answer these questions: How long have you been operating your hostel? 6 years Tell us about your hostel? We can sleep about 270 people. We have 12 private rooms, some…

  • Interviewing Canadas Hostel Owners & Managers

    Throughout the next month or two, I’ll be interviewing the owners &/or managers of several dozen hostels in Canada. Basically what I’m trying to do is give people a better look into Canadian hostels and prove that budget travel in Canada is an option for anyone interested. I’ll be asking a set of questions that…

  • 10 Winter Activities You Shouldn’t Miss

    10 Winter Activities You Shouldn’t Miss

    Winter is no doubt the harshest season in Canada. The weather can drop below -40 degrees Celsius over night, and stay there for weeks. However, being stuck inside the comfort of your home can cause cabin fever in no time. The need to get outside, to do something fun, is very strong in this culture.…

  • Should America Fear Canada?

    In a recent article on Huffington Post, they asked “Can Canada be trusted?“. Apparently some e-mails regarding America’s trust in Canada were recently made public. Several of the e-mails cited America’s closest allies might in fact be “bad guys”. Something many Americans, including Bill O’Reilly from CNN, have suspected for a long time. This idea…

  • Nova Scotia says ‘Thank You’ to Boston

    Located on the east coast of Canada is Nova Scotia, one of Canada’s Atlantic provinces. Every year around Christmas, the province of Nova Scotia sends a massive Christmas tree down to Boston to thank the Bostonian’s who aided in the aftermath of the 1917 Halifax Explosion. The Boston aid arrived the day after the explosion…

  • Canada Ranks #1 with Expats Living Abroad

    Catherine Faas at Holy Kaw summed it up well in her recent post. For those considering living and working abroad, you might want to have a second glance at Canada. The HSBC Expat Experience Survey recently named Canada as the best place in the world to be an expat. The survey reported the highest overall…