Tag: Outdoors

  • Hiking the Bruce Trail

    Hiking the Bruce Trail

    With a total length of 890 km, The Bruce Trail is Canada’s oldest and longest hiking trail. The trail covers the full length of the Niagara Escarpment. It starts at the Niagara River and goes all the way to the end of the scenic Bruce Peninsula. Along the trail, you can enjoy clear blue water,…

  • The Canoe: An Icon of Canadian Culture

    The Canoe: An Icon of Canadian Culture

    Canada would never have been fully explored without the help of the canoe. It’s a canadian icon, a hobby, a sport, and one of the most serene ways to travel. This ~30min documentary, published by Travel Ontario Canada, encapsulates the significance of this amazing tool. Dramatic visuals, superb audio. Kick back and get inspired to…

  • Safari in Saskatchewan at Grasslands National Park

    Safari in Saskatchewan at Grasslands National Park

    Finding wildlife in Saskatchewan isn’t particularly hard; however, one will note that cattle and horses often spot the prairie fields and pasture land more often than those more wild. Finding eagles, osprey, bison, moose, bears, and coyotes sometimes takes hours upon hours of driving, and usually quite a bit of luck. For the animal enthusiast,…

  • Canoeing The Churchill River System in Northern Saskatchewan

    Canoeing The Churchill River System in Northern Saskatchewan

    Settling back into the prairie life after nearly 5 years of living in Halifax, Nova Scotia, I was determined to truly take in life the flatlands of Canada. What many people often forget is that Saskatchewan has over 100,000 lakes, and countless rivers, each more unique than the next. While this square shaped province might…

  • Fogo Island – A Paradise of Newfoundland Sights

    Fogo Island – A Paradise of Newfoundland Sights

    When most picture Newfoundland, pictures of colourful houses, scenic downtown vistas overlooking the St Johns harbour, and perhaps the blur that George Street leaves in most visitors minds, long after leaving. While St Johns is no doubt a beautiful city, it is such a small piece of the mosaic of sounds, cultures, and experiences that…

  • Camping on a Cliff at Hole in the Wall Campgrounds – A New Brunswick Experience

    Camping on a Cliff at Hole in the Wall Campgrounds – A New Brunswick Experience

    Looking out from the edge of a cliff, I watched as the Grand Manan ferry sails over the horizon, off in the distance to my right is the Swallowtail Lightstation, shining light on it’s tiny corner of the Bay of Fundy. My eyes wander down from the horizon to my footing. A jagged 15 meter…

  • Sunday Canadian Travel Video: Muskoka Ontario Timelapse

    Sunday Canadian Travel Video: Muskoka Ontario Timelapse

    Queue an epic track by Sigor Ros, throw in some dramatic sunsets, moving time-lapses and one of Canada’s most serene regions, and you have one of my favourite Sunday Canadian Travel Video’s yet. Created by the incredibly talented MILapse, this video will blow the socks off you. Muskoka, Ontario boasts over 1,600 lakes, and some of…

  • Ride the Yukon Trails with Boreale Mountain Biking

    Ride the Yukon Trails with Boreale Mountain Biking

    Flying down a narrow trail with twists, turns, jagged rocks and protruding tree roots, I couldn’t help but laugh in the face of the danger. As I made it to the bottom of the hill, I lowered my gear, and began pedalling uphill, distracting myself with memories of how I managed to find myself Mountain Biking in…

  • 6 Vancouver Parks worth checking out this Summer

    6 Vancouver Parks worth checking out this Summer

    Vancouver is a city for the outdoorsy. The amount of parks, acitivities, and scenic locations you can stumble upon in a 2 hour walk will astound you. It’s no surprise that Vancouver is rated as one of the healthiest city in Canada, with the lowest obesity rates, lowest rates of heavy drinking, and the most…