Category: Packing

  • 5 Things You Need To Bring Camping With You

    5 Things You Need To Bring Camping With You

    Wouldn’t trekking through the wilderness be so great if everything simply fit in your pockets? Unfortunately, unless you have one of those fancy inflatable Houses, you probably won’t be going camping without a backpack anytime soon. Filling it up can sometimes be too easy. We’re constantly reminded to prepare for the worst. Then also reminded…

  • How to Survive 2 Day Train Trips Like a Champ

    How to Survive 2 Day Train Trips Like a Champ

    One of the best ways to truly see Canada is by train. By traveling with VIA Rail you’re able to truly appreciate the vast distances of this massive country. While it is in my opinion the most romantic way to travel, after 24 hours on a train you can start to feel a little too…

  • What’s in my Backpack?

    What’s in my Backpack?

    With a blog name like “I Backpack Canada”, it’s safe to say I’ve become somewhat of a pro at stuffing (or rolling carefully… when time permits) exactly what I need into my backpack. Throughout my travels, I’ve had many people ask me “What do you pack?”. While my packing list varies a bit depending on…

  • Packing Tips 101

    The Canadian climate can be very harsh to those unaccustomed to it. Packing for your backpacking trip across Canada isn’t exactly the easiest trip to pack for. The weather can go from a sweltering 35 degrees Celsius in summer, to a frigid -45 degrees Celsius in winter. The way you pack will really depend on…

  • The Ultimate Packing list for Backpacking Across Canada

    Packing for the first leg of your journey can about as stressful as a glass shard in your foot. Having to decide what to bring and what to leave can cause some people nausia, headaches, and even heartburn…well, maybe not that last one… Either way, I took the liberty of using PackWhiz, a great online…