Category: Flights

  • Track Cheap Flights with Facebook

    With the ease of traveling through many countries these days, it’s only natural to want old friends (or perhaps flames) to make a stop wherever you are. Seeing as Facebook has become the primary means of communication for international friends, it would only make sense to be able to keep an eye out on cheap…

  • 7 Steps to finding Cheap Flights in Canada

    Scoring a cheap flight in Canada isn’t the easiest thing. By comparison to other countries, flying in Canada can be expensive if you don’t plan it right and use all the services at your disposal. There are several factors to take in when trying to find the best deal on a domestic or international Canadian…

  • Air Canada iPhone App

    Applications for the iPhone are becoming more and more popular, and many companies are seeing the benefit of using said apps. Air Canada has recently released their own which will help anyone who’s backpacking Canada with an iPhone out. This iPhone application allows passengers to search Air Canada flights by route  or by flight number.…