Year: 2012

  • A Half-Day in Downtown Saint John, New Brunswick

    A Half-Day in Downtown Saint John, New Brunswick

    The port city of Saint John, New Brunswick is one of Canada’s oldest cities, and the largest city in New Brunswick. With over 70,000 residents, this maritimes city is also home to a thriving downtown area with plenty of sights and sounds to take in for the budget traveler. On my recent trip to Grand…

  • Sunday Canadian Travel Video: Muskoka Ontario Timelapse

    Sunday Canadian Travel Video: Muskoka Ontario Timelapse

    Queue an epic track by Sigor Ros, throw in some dramatic sunsets, moving time-lapses and one of Canada’s most serene regions, and you have one of my favourite Sunday Canadian Travel Video’s yet. Created by the incredibly talented MILapse, this video will blow the socks off you. Muskoka, Ontario boasts over 1,600 lakes, and some of…

  • Panning for Gold at Claim 33

    Panning for Gold at Claim 33

    The Yukon, home of the largest gold rush in history. 100,000 stampeders from across the world invaded the region in search of riches. While only 30,000 to 40,000 actually made it across the treacherous terrain, and only a few thousand even struck gold, people continued to flock. Gold fever they call it! It’s a game of chance…

  • The Sourtoe Cocktail – A Yukon Tradition

    The Sourtoe Cocktail – A Yukon Tradition

    You may have heard of it in passing. Whispers of a drink so strange it simply can’t be true. “You’re kidding! Is that even legal?!” – is the most common reaction. I’m talking about the Sourtoe Cocktail. Take one highball glass, fill it with a liquor of your choice and drop one severed human toe into…

  • 17 Unique & Delicious Items of Canadian Junk Food

    17 Unique & Delicious Items of Canadian Junk Food

    Seeing a foreign travellers reaction upon entering a Canadian junk food aisle is typically a funny experience. Eyes bulge, curious hands grab, shake, and squeeze packaged goods that they’ve never seen nor heard of. Its not long before they’re laughing or shaking their head as they think aloud “Who would think up that flavour of…

  • Ride the Yukon Trails with Boreale Mountain Biking

    Ride the Yukon Trails with Boreale Mountain Biking

    Flying down a narrow trail with twists, turns, jagged rocks and protruding tree roots, I couldn’t help but laugh in the face of the danger. As I made it to the bottom of the hill, I lowered my gear, and began pedalling uphill, distracting myself with memories of how I managed to find myself Mountain Biking in…

  • Cross Canada Video Tour: Halifax

    Cross Canada Video Tour: Halifax

    Filming has always intrigued me. There’s some superb travel bloggers and travel vloggers out there shooting their travels, and coming back with some incredible footage. Kinda makes me wonder, if a picture is worth a thousand words, what’s the going rate for video? Unfortunately, video has never really been something I’ve put a lot of…

  • 3 Great Ways to Save Money while Backpacking Canada

    3 Great Ways to Save Money while Backpacking Canada

    Canada is a great place to backpack, but let’s face it… it’s not exactly cheap. Many backpackers who travel this northern country recount past trips to Thailand or Cambodia, where they could comfortably live off of $10 to $15 a day. While you’ll be hard pressed to come close to that type of budget while…

  • The Sunday Canadian Travel Video: Across Canada in 2 Minutes

    The Sunday Canadian Travel Video: Across Canada in 2 Minutes

    We’ve all had that weird feeling before, you know the one I’m talking about. You arrive at this new destination that you’ve been talking about for months, maybe even years. It could be a museum, a landmark, or a scenic drive. Then you see it. Chain stores, chain restaurantes, chain hotels, it’s like you can’t…