Year: 2011

  • Luxury Hostels Exist In Banff – HI Banff Alpine Centre

    Pop culture hasn’t been kind to budget accommodation. Movies featuring grimey, dingy, cockroach infested rooms have been prevalent for years. While that may be the case in some impoverished nations, or just poorly managed facilities, my experience in Canadian hostels hasn’t seen much of that. Sure, you’ll get an un-comfy bed every once in a while; maybe a…

  • Sunday Canadian Travel Video – Whales and Icebergs in Newfoundland & Labrador

    For the last year or so, my redheaded friend from Newfoundland (Candice Does The World) has been bugging me to come for a visit to explore the rock in the Atlantic that she calls home. There’s been a few occasions where I had the flight setup online, all I had left to do was fill…

  • Photo Du Jour – Time Lapse of a Halifax Sunset

    I was doing some writing last night along the Halifax boardwalk and decided to test out a new app I had recently purchased from the iTunes store. I found an old barnacle shell and propped my iPhone up on the slanted bench and proceeded to record for just over an hour. I know that this…

  • Canadian Money – How to Understand & Identify our Monopoly Bills

    I’ve been stealthily hiding money from myself for a few weeks (which by the way is a passion of mine) and I have finally managed to scrounge up a fair collection of Canadian Bills to showcase here on my mega awesome Canadian Travel Blog. As a plaid wearing Canuck, I’m totally used to hearing all…

  • Sunday Canadian Travel Video: The Northern Lights in the Northwest Territories

    While I have yet to make the long and arduous journey up to the North West Territories, I’ve found myself going through videos and photos of some of the sights and sounds of the region for years. One of my favourite natural wonders of the north is the Aurora Borealis. This video gives you a…

  • Photo Du Jour – Brackley Beach, Prince Edward Island

    I’m a bit behind on writing due to work and dealing with poor weather, which tends to stunt my motivation to be creative. This incredibly soggy weather that Halifax has been living through drove me north to Prince Edward Island last weekend. The sun decided to show me some love, which meant I could finally…

  • Sunday Canadian Travel Video: A Saskatchewan Sunset

    One of the things I miss most about my home province of Saskatchewan is catching the famous Saskatchewan sunsets. There’s a reason why they call this province the “Land of the Living Skies”. Matthew Garand managed to capture a piece of that, so hats off to him for that. Despite the beauty of this time…

  • What is a Canuck? The History behind the Canadian Nickname

    What is a Canuck? The History behind the Canadian Nickname

    Throughout my travels I’ve met people from all over the world. Many of whom proudly wore, or defiantly protested a nickname their countrys people have been given by another. While some of them can surely be seen as insults, many even approaching racism, when used tongue-in-cheek, you can’t help but smile. Calling a Canadian a…

  • 12 Free Things to do in Halifax, Nova Scotia

    12 Free Things to do in Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Spending money in Halifax is incredibly easy. The patio beers, the museums, the art galleries, the tours, and the food. It all ends up taking its toll on your wallet. Having been a starving student in Halifax, I’ve managed to acquire a rather large list of free things to do in Halifax. Try and do…