Tag: National Parks

  • Exploring Canada’s Advanced Hiking Trails: A Paradise for Professional Backpackers

    Exploring Canada’s Advanced Hiking Trails: A Paradise for Professional Backpackers

    Canada, with its breathtaking landscapes and vast wilderness, is a dream come true for professional backpackers seeking a challenging and immersive outdoor adventure. Its extensive trail network offers some of the most exhilarating and advanced hiking experiences on the planet. From rugged mountain ranges to pristine alpine meadows, this vast country has something to offer…

  • Canoeing and Island Camping in Kejimkujik National Park

    Two and a half hours from Halifax, the metropolitan city centre of the entire Maritimes, lies a National park of outstanding beauty. Where lakes, islands, trees, rivers and streams converge and form the 404 square kilometer national park known as Kejimkujik National Park. Looking at the name of this park, one might think “That has…

  • Need Inspiration to Travel In Canada? Check out the National Parks Project!

    The other day I was browsing online looking for Matt Mays tour schedule, knowing he typically plays in Halifax during the summer. While on his website I saw a banner for The National Parks Project that he was involved in. Curious as to why I’d never heard of it, I clicked. I was then greeted by…

  • Happy Canada Day – Lets Get Traditionally Drunk!

    Ah yes, it has finally arrived! One of my favourite Canadian holidays. People from coast to coast to coast put down their pens, close their books, shut down their computers, tuck in their roll-e-chairs that cause them lower back pain and say “Its go time baby!”. Canada Day, Dominion Day, La Fetes Du Canada, or…

  • Interviewing Canadas Hostels: HI-Castle Mountain Wilderness Hostel

    Numero huit mes amis! It would be sheer lunacy to ignore some of the amazing hostels found a little further off the beaten trail. One of these rare beauties is the Castle Mountain Wilderness Hostel, yet another amazing HI-Canada hostel. Tony Chatham was kind enough to give us a few answers along with an amazing…

  • Camping in Canada: Pacific Rim National Park Reserve

    Camping in Canada: Pacific Rim National Park Reserve

    Find your way to the west coast of Canada and be prepared for some of the most scenic views in Canada. The Pacific Rim National Park has a rugged ocean coastline and hundreds of kilometers of dense rain forests, perfect for hiking and camping. This luscious area is one of British Columbia’s most popular National…

  • A New Series of Posts: Camping in Canada

    So my commitment in this last month has wavered severely, so in order to keep me locked in to write as much as possible, I’ve decided it’s time to start a new series of posts. I’ve been scratching my head on how to approach this idea for a long time, 6 months at least. It’s…