Win Big with GAP Adventures 20th Anniversary Contest
Posted on February 11, 2010 • 1 minutes • 209 words
<img alt="Create Your Own Adventure" src=""> To celebrate 20 years of taking travelers out of their element, GAP Adventures has created a contest to rock the socks off more than a few people. Enter the ‘Create Your Own Adventure’ travel contest for your chance to experience your dream tour with 2 of your friends. Head on over to GAP Adventures and start creating your own tour. Make sure you’ve got at least 15 minutes to spare, as this isn’t your typical contest. Choose up to 3 countries to include in your tour, or make a super intense journey through one specific country. Put on the finishing touches, such as activities, transportation, and accommodation, then all that’s left is to Name your Tour and write up a tour summary. The Contest runs from February 3rd to March 31st, 2010. So you’d best be doing this quick! There’s over $40,000 worth of prizes to give away. The winning entry will be decided by user voting and the GAP Adventures judges panel. There’s also prize packages to be won from the contest sponsors, and remember, the more often you enter, the more chances you’ll have to win! You’d best start charming your friends and family to vote for you. Best of luck!