I Backpack Canada 🇨🇦
January 30, 2015

The Ultimate Canadian Candy List

Posted on January 30, 2015  •  11 minutes  • 2191 words
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It’s late January, and many of us have already abandoned our “Get Healthy New Year’s Resolution.” Instead of feeling guilty, let’s indulge in the delightful world of Canadian candy. This post is a follow-up to my previous article on 17 delicious items of Canadian Junk Food . This time, I’m focusing on Canadian chocolate bars, Canadian candy, and Canadian chips. There are numerous treats in the junk food aisle that are unique to Canada. Candy and chocolate bars make for affordable and easy souvenirs to bring home for friends or to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Canadian junk food is a treasure trove of unique flavors and textures that you won’t find anywhere else. From the rich and creamy taste of Canadian chocolate bars to the sweet and tangy flavors of Canadian candy, there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re a fan of classic treats like Coffee Crisp and Aero or you’re looking to try something new like Big Turk or Crispy Crunch, Canadian candy offers a delightful experience for all taste buds. Don’t forget to explore the variety of Canadian chips, which come in flavors that are sure to surprise and delight.

For those who love to explore new and exciting snacks, Canadian junk food is a must-try. The diverse range of candies, chocolates, and chips available in Canada is a testament to the country’s love for indulgent treats. These goodies are not only perfect for satisfying your cravings but also make for great gifts to share with friends and family. So, the next time you find yourself in Canada, be sure to stock up on these delicious Canadian candies and snacks. Your taste buds will thank you!

Purchase Online

You can buy any of these delicious Canadian treats online or [Available on Amazon]

Canadian Chocolate Bars

Big Turk

I still have not eaten a Big Turk. Though the more I talk about them, the more people tell me “You gotta have one!”. One of these days I will, but when I’m buying chocolate or candy here in Canada, I end up falling back on my go-to’s. The big turk consist of pink turkish delight, rosewater confection based on a gel of starch and sugar, then coated in milk chocolate. Supposely they’re awesome, and those that like them rave about them and demand them to be sent from afar. This is one Canadian chocolate bar that I’m going to try to pick up, next time I’ve got a hankerin’ for chocolate.

Coffee Crisp

The Coffee Crisp Chocolate bar is one of those bars that grows on you as you age. As a kid, I remember these things were just plain weird. But I recall my Mom & Grandma picking through my Halloween pickings and doing me the favour of eating them. As I grew older and found a love for coffee, these Canadian chocolate bars soon became my go to. Airy, waffery, chocolatey. These fellows can be found just about anywhere Candy is sold in Canada.

Crispy Crunch

The Crispy Crunch chocolate bar used to be sold in the United States, but due to some chocolate-drama, can only be found in Canada. This uniquely Canadian chocolate bar is basically a flattned bar, filled with crispy, crunchy, flakey/chewy peanut butter.

Neilsons Jersey Milk

Neilsons Jersey Milk is made in Canada, and very popular amongst die-hard chocoholics. This chocolate bar is known as one of Canada’s most creamy-milk bars. You can’t beat simple. And this is by far one of the simplest.

Sweet Marie

The Sweet Marie Chocolate bar was inspired by a Canadian love affair, which was wrote about in a poem titled “Sweet Marie”. Raymond Moore then took the poem, put it to music, and the song took off. This hit song / poem / story then inspired a Canadian chocolate company to create the Sweet Marie Chocolate Bar. The Sweet Marie is sort of similar to a Mr. Big. It has rice crisps, peanuts, cramel, and a chewy nougat.

Cadbury Pep Bar

I always associate these mint chocolate bars with my Grandma. I don’t know what it is about older ladies and mint-chocolate, but they just eat that stuff up. The Cadbury Pep Bars aren’t that popular, and are actually kind of tricky to find. My guess is Grandma’s across Canada are scoopin’ them up like hot cakes. It’s a working theory…


The Aero is one of my personal favourite chocolate bars. While not completely unique to Canada (I’ve enjoyed one in Australia before), they’re widely popular here. While Aero’s expanded into more flavours, including caramel, orange, and mint, the original milk chocolate Aero is where it’s at. The quirky, fun, bubbly texture is melt in your mouth awesome.


The Caramilk bar is my fiancĂ©’s favourite chocolate bar. Caramilk bars are essentially a bar of squares, each individually filled with caramel, surrounded by milk chocolate. Very much a chocolate you share, as they are easily broken apart. They are wildly popular in Canada.

Mr Big

This Chocolate Bar is crazy popular in Canada. The Mr. Big is one of the largest chocolate bars you’ll come across. It’s the length of two standard sized chocolate bars, hence the name. Canadians can’t get enough Mr Big. It’s found its way into ice cream, and several variations of the Mr. Big, including Mr. Big Fudge, Mr. Big Maple, and Mr. Chew Big.


The Wunderbar is only sort-of Canadian, but I’ve included enough sort-of’s in this list that I’m obligated to throw it in here. There’s variations of this bar all over the world, marketed under other names such as the Star Bar. The Wunderbar is a superb chocolate bar though, name aside. Chewy, chocolatey, goodness. Eat one. In fact, you should eat two.

Eat More

Ooey, chewy, stretchy, peanuty goodness. I can’t really call this a chocolate bar, because it’s very odd in its taste, and consistency. It’s more of a peanut-candy bar. But since it’s in a bar format, I’m throwing it in with the rest of the Canadian chocolate bars. Whatever we want to categorize it as, it’s one of my personal favourites. The eat more bar is made of dark toffee, peanuts, and chocolate.

Canadian Candy


American’s often confuse this Canadian Candy with their local variety of Smarties, which are actually more like our Rockets, a sugary candy disk. Smarties are colourful candy coated chocolates. The crunchy candy shells melt in your mouth, making the 3 - 4 handfuls of Smarties per box disappear very quickly. Smarties are also one of the most expected types of Candy you score while trick or treating on halloween.


You won’t find this popular Canadian Candy in America. Glosettes are extremely popular as a movie theatre snack. Each box contains countless chocolate covered raisins (though peanuts and almond version exist as well). I know a lot of people have some weird gripe with Raisins, but say what you will about those wrinkly grapes, Glosettes are awesome.

Malted Milk

The Malted Milk is a tricky chocolate bar to find, but if you catch one on a shelf in Canada, it’s well worth picking up. It’s a bit like a milky way, kind of like a 3 Musketeer, only better. It’s got a tasty nougat and a good helping of Caramel. Another delicious Canadian treat to add to your list of things to watch for.


Maltesers are crunchy, light, balls of milk chocolate with a malt honeycomb centre. You can always find a bag fall of Maltesers are the local movie theatre, or in just about any Candy aisle in Canada. They’re a bit like Whoppers (the chocolate, not the burger), but noticably different. Personally, not my favourite, but I know lots of people gobble them up.

Mackintosh Toffee

While at first glance, it looks just like another chocolate bar in a cute tartan package, it’s actually a large brick of toffee. It was briefly discontinued in Canada, but has since come back. Probably one of my favourite types of Canadian candy due to its classic simplicity, I would advise that if you have any issues with your teeth, to be careful with these fellows.

Crunchie bar

Honeycomb toffee, covered in chocolate. Light, crunchy, and incredibly airy, Crunchie Bars aren’t exactly unique to Canada, but they’re very commonly found anywhere candy is sold, so guess what? They’re on the list!

Swedish Berries

Swedish berries are delicious, red, berry-shaped soft chewy candy made by the candy company Maynards, located in Canada & the UK. Commonly found in Canadian convenience stores, gas stations, and in bulk boxes as large department stores, these are very popular amongst Canadian candy addicts. Swedish Berries are related in taste and consistency to Swedish Fish, which is another Maynards product.

Wine Gums

Popular in Canada and in just about any of the Commonwealth countries, Wine Gums are similar to gumdrops without the sugar coating. They come in different shapes and colours, and despite the name contain no alcohol. When I’m having a down-day, I oftentimes find myself eating a bag or roll of these until I feel ill. Totally worth it.

Thrills Gum

Thrills is a popular (but kind of in an indie way) brand of chewing gum made in London, Ontario. It’s deep purple colour is easily recognizable, and the rosewater flavour cause many people to compare it to the flavour of soap. The package pokes fun at itself with a cute tagline “It still tastes like soap!”. It’s weird, but in a quirky awesome way.

Ganong Fruitful Jellies

Locally produced in Canada, Ganong Fruitfuls are the rolls royce of candies in Canada. They’re soft, real fruit jellies, made with six fruity flavous, including strawberry, kiwi, lemon, orange, raspberry, and peach. Tricky to find, but wildly popular to those who’ve found them.

Maple Candies

You can’t get more Canadian than “Maple Candies”. These sugary Maple Leaves made of 100% Canadian Maple syrup make for great souvenirs. While they’re a bit too sweet for my liking, if you or someone in your family has a sweet tooth, these are a must. The good thing with Maple Candies is it’s nearly impossible to binge eat them. So you can pace yourself and celebrate knowing you haven’t completely ruined your diet.

Canadian Chips

Dill Pickle Chips

I’m not completely sure who had the bright idea to bring the flavour of dill pickle into chip form, but I have to commend them. They are one of my go Canadian chips. They’re a bit like sour cream & onion, only more pickly, and immensely better.

Ketchup Chips

The king of strange Canadian snacks, but so very, very awesome. Ketchup Chips are a very awesome gift to bring home for some raised eyebrows. I grew up on these red, finger staining chips. Hockey rinks, swimming pool, movie night. Look for Lays or Old Dutch ketchup chips, the latter are by far more ketchupy, but either or will rock your socks. Or completely gross you out.

All Dressed Chips

People all over Canada rave about All Dressed chips. But I dont know, I’ve never been sold on them. Just too intense for me. They’re a bit like sour cream, a bit like barbeque, and sort of like ketchup. I wouldn’t be surprised if the chip scientists just jammed all those falvours into the bag (hence the all dressed), but I’m probably out to lunch. Not for me, but I’d still say give ’em a shot!

Hickory Sticks

Kind of strange chips, as their shape are completely different than the other chips you’ll find in Canada. These are more like tiny, flat, crispy french fries with a hickory smoked flavour. They’re highly addictive, so consider yourself warned.

Hawkins Cheezies

Cheezies on their own aren’t exactly Canadian. In America, you’ll find Cheetos, and Cheese Balls, and Cheese Fluffs, and all sorts of cheesey tubes. But Hawkins Cheezies are ours. They’re the Canadian Cheezies. They’re crunchier, chunkier, mis-shapennier (Yes, that’s a word now) tubes of cheesy goodness. A staple for Canadian snackers with salty, cheesy cravings.

Funky Canadian Flavoured Chips

There’s countless other uniquely Canadian flavoured chips out there. Maple syrup, poutine, sour cream and bacon, you name it. Many of them are only for a limited time, or are just considered experimental. So keep your eyes out for some of the funkier flavours popping up in a junk food aisle near you.

Am I missing any Canadian treats?

Please don’t hesitate to leave some suggestions in the comments below and I’ll try to update this list as more junk food ideas come in.

Purchase Online

You can buy any of these delicious Canadian treats online. Available on Amazon .

Disclaimer: Some of the Candy / Chocolate / Salty treats may be found in other countries. In this day and age it’s hard to say “These chocolate bars you can only find in Canada, period.” Candy wholesalers ship this stuff around like the addictive drugs they are, so you’re bound to find a few of these treats in specialty Candy stores all over the world. Also - there’s some affiliate links in this post that link to Amazon. Please support my site by buying something through them.

Embark on a Virtual Canadian Adventure

Immerse yourself in breathtaking Canadian landscapes and vibrant culture through our curated video playlist. From the rugged Rockies to charming coastal towns, let these visuals ignite your wanderlust and inspire your next Canadian journey. Discover budget-friendly tips, hidden gems, and must-see destinations that showcase the true essence of Canada's diverse beauty.

Purchase my new eBook: 150 Things To Do In Canada

Available on Amazon Kindle!

150 Things To Do In Canada

I'm pleased to announce my first ebook is available on Amazon Kindle. In honour of Canada's 150th Anniversary, I wanted to highlight my favourite things to do in each province and territory across Canada.

This ebook is super affordable as this is my first attempt at an ebook, and I'm hoping it will encourage people to flip through it before their summer travels across Canada. Please leave a positive review if you find it useful! I'm pulling late nights at the moment working on another ebook which is set to release before summer. Stay tuned!

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