I Backpack Canada 🇨🇦
August 24, 2018

Ski internships: The best way to do a winter season in Canada

Posted on August 24, 2018  •  6 minutes  • 1189 words
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Whether you’re fresh out of university and know you’re destined for life in the mountains or maybe you’re at that high school and tertiary crossroads, looking to do something new and learn some transferable skills along the way, a winter season in Canada is the first step and enrolling in a ski instructor internship is the best possible way to do it.

What’s a ski instructor internship?

You can immediately quash those images of overtired, overworked and unpaid public relations-type interns because a ski instructor internship will be without a doubt one of the best times of your life…and get paid! [caption id=“attachment_8563” align=“aligncenter” width=“1240”]fernie-ski-resort Photo courtesy of Tourism Fernie[/caption] Let’s back up here and explain things a bit more. A ski instructor internship is the newest way to train as a professional ski instructor, qualify and secure winter season (paid) employment all in the same season. It’s a no-brainer way to fast-track your career putting all you’ve learnt into practice and earning a wage straight away. Totally debunks the ‘ski bum’ phrase here, right? We’ve put together a handy guide highlighting exactly why a ski instructor internship is the best possible way to do a winter season in Canada. We’re giving all the goodies away here!

You know you’ve got work before you arrive

The internet is sprawling with blogs and articles alerting to the headache of applying for jobs before you arrive or if you’ve left it a little too far down on your ‘To Do’ list and are now applying for jobs once you’ve actually landed on Canadian soil. When you sign up to a ski or snowboard internship program you can immediately cross that item from your list as your provider partners with a local ski school ensuring you have a guaranteed job offer and piece of mind before you travel. Another bonus of knowing you’ve got work sorted is you already know who your potential employer(s) will be. First impressions are formed very early on so why not introduce yourself and show you’re personable from the get go as it could potentially put yourself in a good position when you do start work after your ski instructor certification.

You’ve got your accommodation sorted

As above, accommodation is usually another ‘must sort before I leave for Canada’ item on that ever-expanding list. Accommodation is included in a ski internship program so you can rest easy knowing that your digs for your Canadian winter season are already locked in before you go. The internship accommodation is the perfect set up as a place to spend the majority of your time over the season after work. It’s used used each season for interns and is comfortable, relaxed and well-equipped. The hard yards have been taken out for you with the intention you get the most out of your time there. Centrally located, it’s well positioned to transport links, bus stops and supermarkets and easily accessible from the area’s bars and restaurants. Ski internships: The best way to do a winter season in Canada

You’ll make great mates for life (build relationships / friendships early)

Many people state your university days are the best days of your life. Whereas those same people usually find after taking part in a ski or snowboard instructor internship program, they might think a little differently! There’s something highly to be said about the bonds formed with the people you meet during your ski season. You get to work, play, party, and learn together all in the same boat. Never before will you be in the same place at the same time with the same people, so no wonder you make lifelong like-minded friends all sharing a common interest - skiing (or snowboarding)! We’ve the huge advantage of living in a technologically advanced era. By using the mighty powers of social media, why not reach out to your future course mates before your course. This is the best time to forge the bonds that will last all season and well beyond. Our advice to you would be to get in touch with your fellow program mates, introduce yourself, and start forming those relationships well before you even start packing. You can share travel tips, packing advice (no more wondering if you should bring that denim jacket or that second pair of runners), ask questions to get everything covered off before you go. Trust us, it’ll be one of the best things you ever do prior to the course.

You’ll already know the ins and outs of the snowsports industry

Nobody likes being the new guy and that first day of work is always the hardest while you’re trying to learn to swim all the way down the deep end of the pool. A ski or snowboard internship is the ideal way to learn the ropes of the snowsports school you’ll be working at. When it’s time to take guests on those first lessons, you’ll already know your way around and have the confidence to nail the lesson without having to worry about ‘how things work around here’ because you’re already a pro! ski intern

Work perks your friends will be jealous of

These will be different depending on which company you work for, but more often than not your department will offer some darn good work perks. You’ll generally get free ski or snowboard lessons if you’ve nailed one discipline and are keen to learn or improve the other. No need to go out and buy a brand new ski or snowboard set up just to learn on as rental equipment will generally be free or heavily discounted although it may be more on the budget side. Most ski resorts go the extra mile and organise excursions to do other activities on employees days off. In Canada, these can include ice hockey games, curling, snowshoeing, dog sledding, and day trips to neighbouring ski resorts. Again, these will usually be extra, but could be at a discounted rate.

Learn skills that are easily transferable across the globe

No experience is ever wasted. Not only do you learn so much about yourself as a person  - how you handle pressure and stress, working alongside other people, confidence, compromise - you’ll also learn highly regarded skills to take with you wherever you may go after your season. Your ski or snowboard qualification is recognised worldwide and your CV will be a long list of transferable skills such as customer service, flexibility, ability to teach different age groups, different nationalities, different learning styles, different group sizes, the ability to upsell, time management and ability to provide a life-changing snow experience for the guest. Here’s something to think about: The people you teach will probably remember you, their ski instructor, on their Canadian holiday from 5 years ago for the rest of their lives. Now, roll with THAT! So now you’ve got more of an idea on what a ski instructor internship is and how you can use it to your advantage to get the most out of your winter season in Canada. It can potentially set you up for some of the best days of your life. You can learn more about the WE ARE SNO - Internship program here .

Embark on a Virtual Canadian Adventure

Immerse yourself in breathtaking Canadian landscapes and vibrant culture through our curated video playlist. From the rugged Rockies to charming coastal towns, let these visuals ignite your wanderlust and inspire your next Canadian journey. Discover budget-friendly tips, hidden gems, and must-see destinations that showcase the true essence of Canada's diverse beauty.

Purchase my new eBook: 150 Things To Do In Canada

Available on Amazon Kindle!

150 Things To Do In Canada

I'm pleased to announce my first ebook is available on Amazon Kindle. In honour of Canada's 150th Anniversary, I wanted to highlight my favourite things to do in each province and territory across Canada.

This ebook is super affordable as this is my first attempt at an ebook, and I'm hoping it will encourage people to flip through it before their summer travels across Canada. Please leave a positive review if you find it useful! I'm pulling late nights at the moment working on another ebook which is set to release before summer. Stay tuned!

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