I Backpack Canada 🇨🇦
July 8, 2011

My 7 Links - La creme de la creme of I Backpack Canada!

Posted on July 8, 2011  •  8 minutes  • 1627 words
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I’m doing a serious fist pump right now! I’ve been nominated by The Traveling Editor to partake in the very cool, very interesting, “7 links Project”. This little project was started by the folks at Trip Base , and its spread like wildfire throughout the travel blogging community. Google “My 7 Links” and you’ll know exactly what I mean.

To unite bloggers (from all sectors) in a joint endeavor to share lessons learned and create a bank of long but not forgotten blog posts that deserve to see the light of day again.

  1. Blogger is nominated to take part in the party 2) Blogger publishes his/her 7 links on his/her blog – 1 link for each topic. 3) Blogger then Nominates 5 More Bloggers

1. Most Beautiful Post

<img alt="Drilling in ice with Auger - Ice Fishing" src="http://ibackpackcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Ice-Fishing-Saskatchewan-3.jpg" title="Ice Fishing Saskatchewan">

Ice Fishing Saskatchewans Last Mountain Lake

I normally don’t think if myself as much of a photographer. But there was something easy about snapping photos at this ice covered lake inSaskatchewan. The high contrast and cold hues made for some very dramatic photos. It was while writing this post that I came to the conclusion that young people should be obligated to fish with their elders. The skills you learn, the stories you hear, and the connection you make is somehow that much more exaggerated when your dipping a fishing line in the same water.

2. Most Popular Post

<img alt="Best Places to Bungee Jump" src="http://ibackpackcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/great-canadian-bungee.jpg" title="great canadian bungee">

5 Best Places to Bungee Jump in Canada

For obvious reasons, travellers love to push themselves to do crazy things. The thrill and adrenaline from one jump can be relived over and over simply by reading about another jump. This list includes all of the best places, and probably also the only places to bungee jump in Canada.

3. Most Controversial

<img alt="Moose Jaw in the 40s" src="http://ibackpackcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Moose-Jaw-in-the-40s.jpg" title="Moose Jaw in the 40s">

The Tunnels of Moose Jaw are filled with Half Truths &amp; Lies

Hands down one of the most controversial posts I’ve ever written. I’m normally not that type of blogger, but for some reason or another felt compelled to stir the pot. I think what made it hard for me is that I’m talking about a part of my home province. But in all honesty I have no regrets. I personally feel I treated Moose Jaw fairly. Sure, I called a few things out, but I stated facts, mentioned what I love, informed people about some legit interesting history. Unfortunately (or fortunately if you’re looking at stats), a large portion of Moose Jaw, perhaps even Saskatchewan, came to the conclusion that I was calling their entire city out, and decided to flock to the Comments. Insults were tossed, many of which I had to remove due to the serious extent of hatred people were spewing onto the internet. I defended my opinions, and still do. Moose Jaw Tunnels are interesting as heck, but there are some factual problems that I (and many other historians) have with what they’re telling people. Regardless, fun post to write…and just because I’m a dick…&ldquo;Go Pats Go!&rdquo;

4. Most Helpful Post

<img alt="Camping-Foods" src="http://ibackpackcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Camping-Foods.jpg" title="Camping-Foods">

Top 7 Must have foods for Camping Trips

While some may say I’m quite good at pitching a tent, that skill pales in comparison to my love for camping food. Sure, anyone can write a list post and say “this is what is good. Love it. Eat it.” But only a true campfire food aficionado would know that a “Bush Pie” is not a clever name for the female anatomy, or that Canned Beans come in multiple flavours. Yes, you read correct. Flavours. Sure, if you’re doing any hardcore backpacking in the woods, miles from civilization, some of these foods might be a little more unreasonable to travel with. But for someone who’s only camping for under a handful of days, you may or may not become the most popular person around the campfire.

5. A Post Whose Success Surprised Me

<img alt="Best Surf Locations in Canada" src="http://ibackpackcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/surf_tofino.jpg" title="Best Surf Locations in Canada">

6 Best Surf Locations in Canada

I remember reading a photo essay in some Surf magazine years ago about a group of pro surfers who travelled around the west coast of Canada & The States looking for places to surf, with several photos from Tofino, British Columbia. That idea blew me away. To a prairie boy such as myself, picturing pro’s surfing made me smile, laugh, and most of all say “I totally want to do that!” Then, word slowly started getting out that there were several communities who’d been doing this for years, without really promoting it. Best of all, it wasn’t just the West coast of Canada. As I spoke to more people and continued doing research I decided that travellers in Canada need to know this. I remember thinking “How cool would it be for an Aussie, Kiwi, or California Beach bum to be travelling in Canada only to find out they could partake in the sport they grew up with!” The only equivelent feeling I could think of would be when I turn up at a hostel and see an old acoustic guitar. Familiar, different, but something to look back on and smile. The success of this post just goes to show that Canada isn’t always predictable, nor are its travellers.

6. A post I feel didn’t got the attention it deserved

<img alt="Boating Northern Saskatchewan" src="http://ibackpackcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Boating-Northern-Saskatchewan.jpg" title="Boating Northern Saskatchewan">

Northern Saskatchewan Fishing Trip Part 1 &amp; Part 2

Maybe I’m biased because I actually enjoy fishing. Well, thats not totally true. I enjoy getting outside, being with family and friends, having a few beers and hanging out in a boat for 8-12 hours a day. The fishing is secondary to me. This post on fishing up in Northern Saskatchewan didn’t really see the traffic I had expected it to. My goal was to show people that Saskatchewan isn’t just that prairie province with nothing but farms & cows. There is in fact a lush, dense forest, filled with over 100,000 lakes perfect for any outdoorsman or outdoorswoman. There are plenty of photos, a few anecdotes, and hopefully a few laughs in there. Whether you like the post or not, go fishing in Saskatchewan. Its crazy how awesome it is!

7. The post that you are most proud of

<img alt="Craven Music Festival Saskatchewan" src="http://ibackpackcanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Craven-Country-Jamboree-2008-257.jpg" title="Craven Country Jamboree 2008">

The Ultimate Guide to Summer Music Festivals in Canada

I have to give some love to this post as the one I’m most proud of. I literally worked on this post for over a month and a half. I was compiling information, emailing festival organizers, calling long distance for fact checks and permissions to use photos. Obviously I’ve never been to all of these festivals. While that would clearly be one of the most badass things to say to a music junkie, I simply compiled this post as a research piece for myself and for other music lovers, travellers, and festival go-ers. The comments on this post were great for telling me about other Summer Music Festivals in Canada I had never heard of. I could probably compile an entire 2nd list out of all of those…hmm. On it! Big love goes out to Dylan Lowe, The Traveling Editor . Be sure to follow his crazy arse as he hitchhikes across Canada. Fingers crossed when he gets to Halifax he lets me buy him a beer & ask him about his journey!

So to keep the link love going, here’s 5 people I’d like to nominate to share their 7 links! Explore For A Year - Lily is one of those unique & friendly travel bloggers you need to follow. She left her corporate 9-5 job and decided to accomplish some of her life goals. She’s a fellow Canuck from Toronto with a heart of gold, and I love her even more because she gave me an invite to Google Plus. So basically what I’m saying is if you don’t follow her, I’ll be obligated to say “You suck at following good travel blogs”. Nerdy Nomad - Kirsten is sort of my hero, and is the reason I got into blogging, and still fantasize about doing something meaningful with my life. She’s already done that last part, several times over, probably more than any single person I know. Which is why she’s nominated and why you should follow her. Because if you don’t follow her, babies will cry whenever you’re near them. Even on airplanes. Travel Foot Prints - Audrey & Jack are the Bonnie & Clyde of Canadian Travel Couples. Big fans of photography, having an awesome blog, and being overall awesome. It seems I’ve started I’ve trended myself into telling you why you should follow everyone. So for this awesome travel couple… If you don’t follow them you’ll always end up with a crappy poutine with lots of unmelted pieces of cheese curds. Live with that why dontcha! Pommie Travels - The beautiful blonde who blogs. Yup, Victoria’s got it goin’ on. (Victoria, if you read this, sorry, not meaning to sound creepy, its late, and have run out of words). Follow her, or you won’t be able to see what I mean by beautiful blonde blogger. Dream A Little Dream - Vancouverites to the core! This travel duo writes about RTW Travel, Canada, being awesome, and dropkicking life until it obeys the love they have for travel. If you don’t follow them you won’t get to see the hilarious LOLcats they like to share in their blog posts.

Embark on a Virtual Canadian Adventure

Immerse yourself in breathtaking Canadian landscapes and vibrant culture through our curated video playlist. From the rugged Rockies to charming coastal towns, let these visuals ignite your wanderlust and inspire your next Canadian journey. Discover budget-friendly tips, hidden gems, and must-see destinations that showcase the true essence of Canada's diverse beauty.

Purchase my new eBook: 150 Things To Do In Canada

Available on Amazon Kindle!

150 Things To Do In Canada

I'm pleased to announce my first ebook is available on Amazon Kindle. In honour of Canada's 150th Anniversary, I wanted to highlight my favourite things to do in each province and territory across Canada.

This ebook is super affordable as this is my first attempt at an ebook, and I'm hoping it will encourage people to flip through it before their summer travels across Canada. Please leave a positive review if you find it useful! I'm pulling late nights at the moment working on another ebook which is set to release before summer. Stay tuned!

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