I Backpack Canada 🇨🇦
December 30, 2015

5 Small But Essential Things You Must Pack

Posted on December 30, 2015  •  3 minutes  • 548 words
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Before any big trip, many of us suffer from huge stress – how not to forget what to pack and how to pack everything that is essential? Well, there are a few small and seem like insignificant things we leave at home that might be quite handy when in need, and we do tend to skip packing them for some reason. And by doing that, we are making a big mistake! Bellow in this article you will find five small but truly essential things every traveler must pack with him and a little explanation why you must have them with you as well. ibackpackcanadacom-56811a93d8fd7

A first aid kit

It might seem like a very unnecessary thing to pack, but you just must have at least a mini first aid kit in your bag before heading abroad. You will never know where and when you will get sick and sometimes it might get hard to find appropriate medicine in exotic faraway countries. Better be prepared for everything and have basic and essential drugs like pain killers, some bandages, and some medicine to deal with food poisoning. You might not use them at all, but you will always be confident that you have something just in case. ibackpackcanadacom-56811a936dca8

A small flashlight

A small flashlight should also find a place in your bag. Sometimes you might be traveling somewhere where you won’t be pampered with electricity all night long, and sometimes you might visit places where any kind of light source is essential to survive and to protect yourself. And even in more developed countries, you will never know when the electricity will go out, or you will find yourself walking down a dark street. So get one small and easy to carry flashlight with you and be prepared for everything!

A few pairs of earplugs

Earplugs are a dream come true for all travelers. With these little miracle makers, you will get rested no matter where and when since they block all the sounds around you. So – you will get a good night’s sleep and be prepared for further adventures abroad! Moreover, these plugs are so small that you will always find a place where to pack them, and they guarantee you enough sleep as well. Trust me! ibackpackcanadacom-56811a9464f75

A Swiss army knife

All army knives are handy and super needed, but the Swiss army knife that has a so-called Spartan mode is just perfect for all travelers. This one small gadget includes two knives, scissors, a can opener, a bottle opener, toothpick, tweezers, awl, and corkscrew – all essential instruments while traveling. So you should definitely invest in one good knife like that!  


A copy of your passport or ID

And finally, be prepared for the worst – for a burglary. Sometimes we tend to relax more than we should, and this is when thieves notice you and start doing their job. That might result in your personal belongings loss, including essential passport or ID. Without them, you won’t be able to travel so freely, especially in far away exotic lands. So better have a few high-quality photocopies of your identification documents and keep it somewhere not near your original documents. This way you will be prepared for the worst and always be able to come back home safe and sound.

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Immerse yourself in breathtaking Canadian landscapes and vibrant culture through our curated video playlist. From the rugged Rockies to charming coastal towns, let these visuals ignite your wanderlust and inspire your next Canadian journey. Discover budget-friendly tips, hidden gems, and must-see destinations that showcase the true essence of Canada's diverse beauty.

Purchase my new eBook: 150 Things To Do In Canada

Available on Amazon Kindle!

150 Things To Do In Canada

I'm pleased to announce my first ebook is available on Amazon Kindle. In honour of Canada's 150th Anniversary, I wanted to highlight my favourite things to do in each province and territory across Canada.

This ebook is super affordable as this is my first attempt at an ebook, and I'm hoping it will encourage people to flip through it before their summer travels across Canada. Please leave a positive review if you find it useful! I'm pulling late nights at the moment working on another ebook which is set to release before summer. Stay tuned!

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