I Backpack Canada 🇨🇦
August 25, 2019

5 Advantages of RV Camping

Posted on August 25, 2019  •  4 minutes  • 765 words
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If you’re looking for the ultimate backpacking adventure, the thought of taking a cross-country road trip to hit up some popular locations throughout Canada might cross your mind. But the commit of taking such a trip might scare you. That’s a lot of time away from home and traveling can be expensive. That’s where taking an RV can be beneficial. You’ll be able to travel while still taking some pieces of home with you. If you’re contemplating whether or not an RV is right for you, consider the following benefits.

It’s convenient

If you’re concerned about getting homesick while pursuing your backpacking dreams, traveling in an RV allows you to make your own mini home. Instead of having to worry about finding hotels along the way or having to sleep outside in a tent, you can enjoy your nights in the comfort of your own RV. You can bring a variety of clothes, your own dishes, your own bedding, and personalize your space however you would like. An RV also gives you the freedom to haul additional equipment, such as a tent if you do want to spend some nights outside or a bike if you have dreams of biking through the mountains . 5 Advantages of RV Camping

You’ll have freedom

One of the hardest parts of planning a cross-country trip is having to book hotel rooms in advance. After all, you’ll need somewhere to stay between trails. This means you have to set a firm schedule for yourself. Taking an RV allows you the freedom to spend as much time as you want in one location before moving onto the next. If you end up finding a backpacking location that you love and that you want to spend several days exploring, an RV allows you the freedom to do so. All you need to do is park your RV in a safe campground and spend your days on the trails. You won’t have to worry about trying to book a hotel room or change your travel plans. You can also change your destinations throughout the trip. If you have a set route that you’re taking but suddenly want to take a detour, an RV makes it easy to change your route. You’ll have everything you need with you already. Grizzly Bear Canada

It can save you money

If you’re backpacking as a family, taking an RV is worth both the convenience and the savings. You might be wondering how buying or renting an RV and having to pay for gas for a gas-guzzling vehicle is cheaper than renting hotel rooms. Just remember that if you’re taking a long trip, the cost of hotel rooms will quickly add up. Parking campsites are often much cheaper to rent than a room. You’ll also be able to budget more effectively in a hotel because you’ll be able to meal prep. Hotels often lack proper kitchens, so you end up needing to purchase quick meals. With an RV, you can grocery shop and find foods that you can store in your RV. This cuts down the cost of having to eat out.

You’ll make new friends

Backpacking gives you the chance to meet some really cool people that share your interests. Traveling to different locations in an RV allows you to extend your friend network even further! Most campgrounds are set-up so that there are a variety of ways to connect to different people. Whether it is sharing the same grill or watching your kids play together, you’ll live close to others and get the chance to socialize. People staying in RV parks come from near and far away. You’ll get the chance to talk to people from different locations and learn about their lifestyles. The bonds you make could last a lifetime. how-to-travel-with-dog-to-canada-w1500

Fido can come too

If you have a beloved pet, you don’t have to leave them behind! An RV is big enough for your dog or cat to come along with you. Plus, you won’t have to worry about trying to find an animal-friendly hotel. Animals can make great travel companions. You can take your dog with you when you hit the trails. If you decide to take your dog backpacking with you, plan accordingly. You’ll want to pick trails that they can go on and that they are in top physical condition.

Final Thoughts

If you want to hit up some of the best backpacking locations throughout Canada, traveling in an RV can help make your travels more convenient. Whether you’re traveling solo, with your dog, or with your family, you’ll be able to travel comfortably and enjoy visiting different locations.

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150 Things To Do In Canada

I'm pleased to announce my first ebook is available on Amazon Kindle. In honour of Canada's 150th Anniversary, I wanted to highlight my favourite things to do in each province and territory across Canada.

This ebook is super affordable as this is my first attempt at an ebook, and I'm hoping it will encourage people to flip through it before their summer travels across Canada. Please leave a positive review if you find it useful! I'm pulling late nights at the moment working on another ebook which is set to release before summer. Stay tuned!

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