25 Jaw Dropping Earth-Porn Photos from Across Canada
Posted on January 13, 2016 • 2 minutes • 266 words
You know what Earth Porn is right? No? You know those awe inspiring, jaw dropping, “why am I not there right now” photos you come across? That’s Earth Porn! They’re photos that typically highlight a natural wonder, a scenic panorama, but ultimately they make you proud to be from the planet earth. Canada has some of the most stunning locations in the world, and these photos are some of the earth-porniest I’ve ever seen. <img src="http://ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=1770856242&Format=_SL160_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=ibaccan04-20">
**Looking for more awesome photos of Canada? Check out Canada: Images of the Land.
**World renowned photographer J.A. Kraulis captures the beauty of a vast and staggeringly diverse country in over 200 high quality photos. The perfect gift to yourself or loved ones.
<img src="http://ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=1770856242&Format=_SL160_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=ibaccan04-20">
**Looking for more awesome photos of Canada? Check out Canada: Images of the Land.
**World renowned photographer J.A. Kraulis captures the beauty of a vast and staggeringly diverse country in over 200 high quality photos. The perfect gift to yourself or loved ones.