I Backpack Canada 🇨🇦
June 22, 2017

150 Things To Do In Canada - The eBook!

Posted on June 22, 2017  •  3 minutes  • 592 words
Table of contents

When you have a blog, it’s only a matter of time before people start asking, “So is the goal of this blog to eventually turn it into a book?”. Truthfully, it never was. I mean if it happened cool, but I wasn’t actively doing anything to work towards that until about 6 months ago. At some point during the winter of last year I thought I should see if I can compile some of my stuff into my own little backpackers guide. Share some popular posts, expand on things, revise things, just tidy my blogs up into a non-fiction chapter style format. [box]

Shut up and take my money!

Not feeling like reading how this all came to be and would rather just purchase? Grab a copy for only $2.99 on Amazon & Kobo! [/box]

Minor setbacks and plan of action

This process has proved to be much more labour intensive than I had anticipated, and the fear of messing it up my first time around slowed things down. Then, during a wine fueled writing session, I thought, maybe my guide shouldn’t be my first crack at this. I need something more introductory to dip my feet into the world of self-publishing. That way I can learn from my mistakes, and ensure when I release the real deal, I don’t feel like such a bozo. [caption id=“attachment_9528” align=“aligncenter” width=“1024”]150 things to do in canada ebook Available on Amazon and Kobo[/caption]

Dip my toes into 150 Things To Do In Canada

Thus, a pandering ebook nodding to Canada’s 150th anniversary was born. I had already been writing and banking up posts of “things to do in X” posts, and figured I could compile them into a tidy 150 items. A little 13 chapter novella helping readers, travelers, RV enthusiasts, and hopefully some other backpackers spot a few things they might want to do. I buckled down, committing nearly two months of evenings for to this silly idea trying to write it, organize it, format it, brand it, design it, then finally release it.

Somehow or another, the Canada 150 board, in charge of the official Canada 150 logo, allowed me to use their logo on my book after I filled out their application. I thought this was kind of cool, getting to stick my beefy looking logo next to their modern leafy thing. Granted the content isn’t award winning, but I’ll admit when I received my first print copy (thanks Kristian!), I thought it was pretty cool. Flip to a province, noodle through. [caption id=“attachment_9526” align=“aligncenter” width=“1024”]150 things to do in canada Oh isn’t that nice?[/caption]

Where can I buy the eBook?

Well, as of yesterday night, I was accepted into Kobo , and of course the book can also be found on Amazon Kindle . You can even purchase a printed copy from kindle, but considering how expensive it is ($14.99) you might want to just save a tree and leave this one for the app. You can download the Kobo or Kindle app for iOS and Android, which allows you to purchase eBooks directly through the app. Or if you already have your fancy e-reader, I’m sure you’ve already figured out how to search their store. Nook unfortunately snubbed me, and in fact all Canadians. Not sure why, but us puck-pushers are not able to publish on their platform. Uncool guys, uncool!

**Please consider supporting I Backpack Canada and picking one up if you might be doing some Canadian travel. Or simply share the social-friendly image below! **

  150 Things To DO InCanada

Purchase my new eBook! Only $2.99 on Amazon & Kobo

Embark on a Virtual Canadian Adventure

Immerse yourself in breathtaking Canadian landscapes and vibrant culture through our curated video playlist. From the rugged Rockies to charming coastal towns, let these visuals ignite your wanderlust and inspire your next Canadian journey. Discover budget-friendly tips, hidden gems, and must-see destinations that showcase the true essence of Canada's diverse beauty.

Purchase my new eBook: 150 Things To Do In Canada

Available on Amazon Kindle!

150 Things To Do In Canada

I'm pleased to announce my first ebook is available on Amazon Kindle. In honour of Canada's 150th Anniversary, I wanted to highlight my favourite things to do in each province and territory across Canada.

This ebook is super affordable as this is my first attempt at an ebook, and I'm hoping it will encourage people to flip through it before their summer travels across Canada. Please leave a positive review if you find it useful! I'm pulling late nights at the moment working on another ebook which is set to release before summer. Stay tuned!

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