Tag: Maple Syrup

  • T’ire D’érable – Why aren’t you everywhere?

    T’ire D’érable – Why aren’t you everywhere?

    One of my fondest memories of taking french immersion was back in Grade 4 or 5. I was living in Saskatchewan and we had a teacher intern from Quebec who was sharing french culture to classrooms throughout the school. Most of us moaned at the thought of learning about anything cultural. That was until she…

  • 10 Foods you need you try with Maple Syrup

    10 Foods you need you try with Maple Syrup

    Maple Syrup, it’s about as delicious as it is Canadian. It has long been known for it’s many health benefits. Despite it’s sweet and mega delicious flavour, it has plenty to offer to do the body good. It’s a good source of zinc, along with manganese, which is a trace mineral that’s essential for a…