Category: Drinks

  • The Sourtoe Cocktail – A Yukon Tradition

    The Sourtoe Cocktail – A Yukon Tradition

    You may have heard of it in passing. Whispers of a drink so strange it simply can’t be true. “You’re kidding! Is that even legal?!” – is the most common reaction. I’m talking about the Sourtoe Cocktail. Take one highball glass, fill it with a liquor of your choice and drop one severed human toe into…

  • 8 Rockin’ Breweries in Halifax Nova Scotia!

    Haligonians tend to pride themselves as drinkers. (note: a Haligonian is a person from Halifax) The city is filled with pubs, restaurantes, and bars, partly due to the tourism, partly due to the fact that it’s a University town, and partly due to the celtic atmosphere that has evolved with the city. Old buildings, sail…

  • 8 Canadian Drinks to keep cool this Summer

    8 Canadian Drinks to keep cool this Summer

    Amongst Canadians, there are a handful of drinks that we love to call our own. We all remember ‘Joe’ from the “I am Canadian” commercials. What’s funny is that this pride for beverages extends beyond beer. It’s quite easy to spot these popular drinks all over Canada. Some alcoholic, others virgin in nature. But each…

  • 6 reasons why Saskatchewan Doesn’t Suck

    Saskatchewan is probably one of the least visited provinces in Canada. Most people only know Saskatchewan for the #1 highway which get’s you from one end to the other in roughly 7 hours. It unfortunately gets a bad rap from other Canadians, whom occasionally define it as boring, flat, plain, and dull.  All of which…

  • 5 Things English speakers need to know when Traveling through Quebec

    5 Things English speakers need to know when Traveling through Quebec

    As many of you are aware, Quebec has the most French speaking Canadian citizens. The majority of Quebec’s people know plenty of English, many are even good enough to find grammatical errors in pretty much everything I say and write. Most Quebecois’ know more English than you know French. However there are some people, primarily…

  • Happy New Years! Au Revoir 2009!

    I just wanted to say Happy New Years from iBackpackCanada. I’m really looking forward to 2010, and expect it to be a monumental year in my life. Resolutions have been made, ideas are in the works, and I’m ready to start completing goals I had set out years ago in my life. So wish me…

  • Mummering: A Newfoundland Christmas Tradition

    The holidays are notorious for bringing out some strange traditions. Whether it’s something as simple as leaving some cookies and milk out for the big guy, or something as painful as watching your uncles out-drink one another. Traditions come and go, the beauty of it is that they’re all in good fun. However I’m sure…

  • Legal Drinking Age in Canada

    I ran into an American last weekend while I was out drinking. We got into a conversation and he told me he was in town with a group of friends. They drove up to Halifax to take advantage of the younger drinking age and to visit some friends. I laughed and said “Right on!” I…

  • 10 Foods you need you try with Maple Syrup

    10 Foods you need you try with Maple Syrup

    Maple Syrup, it’s about as delicious as it is Canadian. It has long been known for it’s many health benefits. Despite it’s sweet and mega delicious flavour, it has plenty to offer to do the body good. It’s a good source of zinc, along with manganese, which is a trace mineral that’s essential for a…